THIS IS vancouver’s bona fide
culture and politics podcast.

this is vancolour

#76 - Jesse Miller (Mediated Reality)

#76 - Jesse Miller (Mediated Reality)

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Jesse Miller is a national speaker and educator on the subject of social media.

He delivers presentations for school districts across Canada and professional development training sessions to a diversity of corporate and non-profit groups. He also provides private consultation for social media strategies with regard to risk assessment and internal communication. He has been regularly featured on CKNW 980AM and has been a speaker at Tedx West Vancouver.


You can also listen to Jesse Miller on Episode #55 of This is VANCOLOUR.

Colourful Calls: Ivan Decker

Colourful Calls: Ivan Decker

Colourful Calls: BC Attorney General David Eby

Colourful Calls: BC Attorney General David Eby